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Many people think of November as the month of Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and putting up holiday decorations. But actually, its part in the seasonal cycle has a deeper meaning than enjoying food and decorations. November is between the autumnal equinox (equal time sunlight and dark) and winter solstice (the year’s darkest day). It is also after the final harvest. This is when the trees let go of their fruits and leaves while the plants retire into themselves in protection against the frozen winter. How we perceive these seasonal changes can dramatically change how we see the world. This “November stillness” can help us notice those shifts. 

One of the world’s most influential Zen Buddhist teachers and writers, Haemin Sunim, shared some thoughts that we felt fit with the cooling of the autumnal season and this time of transformation. So we’d like to share it with you!

Because we’re taught to believe in a clear boundary between our thoughts and reality, our “internal world” can feel powerless in relation to the vast “external world.” This can really hurt our self-esteem. Instead, Sunim offers a more neutral approach based on Buddha’s teachings that the boundary is, in fact, “thin, porous, and ultimately illusory.” When we are left to our own perceptions, we have (an awe-inspiring) influence on how we take in, respond, and exist in both our internal and external worlds. 

That’s a pretty exciting insight! If we can gradually train our minds to shift focus, we can take huge steps toward redesigning our lives. The work we do in therapy to explore, express, and articulate our past and trauma experiences is that very process. Instead of seeing the world through the fear or negative experiences of the past, we can take control of the cockpit and steer ourselves toward expansiveness and opportunities (such as with tools like EMDR). For those who struggle with blocks and limiting beliefs, holistic life coaching and intuitive tarot readings can help you recognize those unconscious obstacles and consciously push through them. We all have the power to take the driver’s seat of our own story. Sometimes, we need someone to help us redefine our direction. 

November is a valuable time to slow down and practice more stillness. This allows us to reevaluate and pivot if necessary. Slowing down or “death” are typically things we’re afraid of, yet it’s such a beautiful part of our seasonal cycle. What projects, relationships, or ideas might be “failing” or “dying” in your life that could actually lead to an amazing blossoming transformation in your “spring?” If this question stirs something within you, be sure to check out our upcoming workshop, Wisdom of Nature with Abigail Cline on November 6th, 2022 (info here)!

If you have lost or may soon lose a loved one, keep an eye out for an upcoming announcement about our safe and healing Death Cafe workshop experience coming soon. It’ll be a group-directed discussion of death with no agenda, objectives, or themes. It is a discussion group rather than a grief support or counseling session. Death Cafes are always offered on a not-for-profit basis; in an accessible, respectful, and confidential space; with no intention of leading people to any conclusion, product, or course of action; and alongside refreshing drinks and nourishing food – and cake!

Another exciting event we have coming up is our Soul Collage workshop which will be held this and next month: 11/13/22 and 12/4/22 from 1:00pm – 3:30pm. Register by contacting or 630.567.8171.

If you need support during this hemisphere-wide seasonal shift, you can learn more about our services on our website or by contacting us at 630-999-8236 or


The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down by Haemin Sunim

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